Travel Pods, What They Are and How to Start One

The pandemic has definitely changed the future of travel. Once, people didn’t give a second thought about crowding in queues or viewing the Mona Lisa en masse. Nowadays, you better think twice before even getting into an elevator with someone you don’t know. Many—including me—thrive on travel, so how can we do so safely while still enjoying time with friends? Enter the concept of a travel pod. I guarantee you’ll be forming your pod and planning your next big vacay by the time you finish reading, so let’s go!

What is a travel pod? 

In essence, a travel pod is a quarantine bubble on the go. Imagine traveling the globe with your besties. Whether they are a couple of friends, family members, or your closest girlfriends, you enjoy being with them. They know your quirks, and you know theirs—we all have them, after all—and the time you spend with them is filled with laughter and meaningful moments. These people are a great way to start a travel pod.

Another benefit to having a pod besides having a built-in group of vetted, healthy travel mates is that you can book events just for your group. Whether it’s a private museum tour, tropical excursion, or in-house meal, it’s much easier (and a bit more economical) to organize and implement activities for a small group. It’s also a fabulous way to minimize contact with others who are outside of your travel pod.

How do I start a travel pod?

Begin by identifying a group of people that you want to travel with consistently. If no one comes to mind and you adore solo travel, you can gather a group of like-minded travelers together to experience a variety of locations. Having a travel pod raises the bar for safety standards and keeps your circle small while on the go. Plus, you will have shared experiences with old—or new—friends.

Discuss where you want to go, the various budgets, and how much time you can each afford to spend away from work and other responsibilities. From there, work on coming up with a plan to travel together in a way that suits all while hitting important points on everyone’s travel wish list. Our bespoke trips are a fabulous way to combine interests while heading to a destination that each of your travel pod members will adore. 

How many travel pod members should you have? Well, the choice is yours, but anywhere from six to ten is ideal. More significant numbers can be more challenging to handle. However, if not everyone can make every trip, a larger group ensures that at least some members can go on each trip. It’s also essential to select people you can trust with your time, personal belongings, and experiences as you go around the globe. 

Tips for Managing Your Travel Pod


Spending a week with your pod on the French Riviera sounds fantastic, but—is it? Do a test run by going away for the weekend or taking a trip close to home. At the very least, have everyone over for a cookout or game night so that you can bond and make friends ahead of time. It’s essential to establish a rapport and see if everyone gets along beforehand.


You’re starting a travel pod, which is terrific! However, you are putting together a group of people with various interests, hobbies, and physical capabilities. Your aspirations of planning hikes, runs, and bike rides every day may not sit well with others who are a bit more sedentary when it comes to their travel time. Try to fit in everyone’s interests and ensure that each person’s voice is heard. Remember that the vacation belongs to many people even though you are the one organizing it all. 


Free time can work wonders. Think about your close friends or family. You get along, then fight, and then are back to being BFFs again. Even when you’re emotionally close to people, set boundaries while you are traveling. Build free time into each day so that some can relax and read a book while others scour antique shops for fabulous finds. Time apart makes the time together sweeter, and it also allows everyone to fit in activities that others may not want to do. 


By having a group of a certain number, you may automatically qualify for group discounts in some locations. Also, there’s a chance that you can rent out a complete catamaran or head to a winery to have a private tasting with your group. You can also hire a personal chef to cook or bring in an expert to teach a class to your pod. 


Travel pods originated with safety in mind, and if that’s why you want to start one, then take precautions. Require vaccinations or a negative COVID test before traveling. Maintain social distancing while you are in a location, and plan lots of outdoor activities. Having your travel pod do what it was initially designed for can be the best decision of all. 

No matter your reasoning for wanting to start a travel pod, it’s a fabulous idea. It can also be a way to jumpstart traveling again or get others interested in exploring other locations. Life—and travel—are both better with friends. 


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